In order to see something new, you have to not see something else. That mind-blowing statement is the basis of experience design, and a concept Kavitha Krishnan, Senior User Experience Strategist at Mattel (American Girl) will share at her May 8 presentation:...
Ranking for top keywords is essential for any business, but it’s especially important for local businesses. Local search engine optimization is a whole different ballgame—and James Roloff is about to show you how to win big at our next Craft Marketing event on Monday,...
Have you heard of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) privacy law? Many marketers haven’t, especially if they don’t do business overseas. But this European law can and likely will have an impact on everyone, even if you don’t do business in Europe. We...
Even if you’re familiar with the impact user experience has on your website and business, Jess Jones will definitely unearth some new insights in her upcoming Craft Marketing presentation “Guerilla Research: Create a Better User Experience with Just 3 Customer...
It’s hard to dispute the lessons of LinkedIn guru Wayne Breitbarth. The man has more than 18,000 connections, after all! From those connections, Wayne has built an amazing LinkedIn following and an enormous email contact list. But can his personal success be applied...