Looking for a way to both level up your marketing and chill out with your fellow marketers after work? Join us for the first installment in the AMA After Hours series on Tuesday, October 1 at the downtown Madison coworking space 100State, where we’ll be diving...
Branding is everywhere. It’s in the obvious places—your favorite candy bar, that pair of shoes you love, or the ad you skipped on YouTube. But it also extends beyond physical products, even concepts like science. In the case of science, the way it’s perceived by the...
Join your fellow marketing professionals for the first installment in AMA’s Bright Beginnings series! UW-Madison Assistant Professor, Todd Newman, will join us to present on the Branding of Everything on Tuesday, September 10 at 8:00 AM at MYArts. This...
It’s official: AMA-Madison’s triumphant return with the 2024-2025 season is right around the corner! We’re kicking it off with a Season Launch Party coming up on Wednesday, August 14 from 4:30-6:30 PM at KARBEN4. Not only will there be the...
In 2017, Erik Greenfield, Communications Manager for the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce, conducted a survey that found that a staggering 70% of respondents had no brand awareness of Madison whatsoever. While positive awareness was their goal, they viewed this...