Looking Ahead While Reflecting on the Past
This time of year is special. The sunshine, the warm temps, the outdoors, and all the fun of festivals, celebrations, and last minute gatherings. Let’s be honest, Madison’s summers are like no other!
Summer is also a special time of year for AMA Madison:
- We celebrate the years accomplishments of the Chapter – and we have so many!
- We express our appreciation for our leadership and volunteers – without this team we would not be a functioning entity!
- And finally, we look optimistically towards an exciting future – with so many learning and networking opportunities!
1. An Ode to Edessa
First and foremost, let us take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to Edessa Polzin.
After 3 years of volunteering, she stepped into the role of President on July 1, 2022. Her primary vision was to simplify chapter operations and amplify our name recognition in the community. She did that, and so much more! Edessa’s tireless efforts have significantly impacted our chapter in such a positive way.
Edessa is an early adopter of technology and never afraid to take on a new challenge. She also brings her authentic self to everything she does. There’s never a question of where you stand with her. She tells it like it is and does so with incredible wit. But what we love the most about Edessa is that she’s one of the biggest cheerleaders for the American Marketing Association, our chapter and everyone in this AMA-zing marketing community. We owe her a debt of gratitude for her remarkable accomplishments and the positive impact she has made during her tenure.
2. The Current State of the Chapter
AMA Madison stands strong and vibrant, serving as a beacon of knowledge, innovation, and camaraderie for marketers in the community. We have been fortunate to participate in great events throughout the year, featuring a wide variety of topics that cater to the diverse expertise of our members. These events, both in person and virtually, have fostered valuable connections and provided a platform for learning, collaboration, and professional growth.
None of this would have been possible without the dedicated efforts of our volunteer crew. Let us also extend our deepest appreciation to this exceptional group of individuals who selflessly contribute their time and expertise to ensure the smooth operation of our chapter, the success of our events, and the amplification of marketers within the Madison community. Their unwavering commitment is a testament to the strength of our association and the shared passion we all have for the field of marketing.
Quite frankly, the AMA Madison team of volunteers is “simply the best” when it comes to project management, social media, graphic design, content development, event planning, speaker cultivation, budgeting, website content management, email marketing, reporting, and so much more!
3. A Look Towards the Future
As we reflect on our achievements and the remarkable progress this past year we also have an exciting and promising future to look forward to.
Our incoming leader, Carrie Brown, will take the reins July 1, 2023. Carrie is known to be quick with a smile and her passion for making sure everyone feels welcome within AMA Madison. In her daytime role, Carrie works as a marketing manager for an employee benefits start-up and specializes in audience communications and growth strategies.
Under her direction as President, Carrie is dedicated to amplifying our chapter’s brand within the community, encouraging membership growth, and fostering a sense of camaraderie across all disciplines of marketing. Her vision and determination will drive our chapter towards new opportunities, financial strength, stronger connections, and increased impact.
Making a meaningful impact within our community is at the heart of AMA Madison. Together, we will shape the future of marketing in Madison, and continue to be a driving force in fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and professional excellence.
Cheers to yesterday, today and tomorrow. What a ride this has been, continues to be, and will be moving forward!