Video is one of the best types of content you can produce today. The problem is many corporate videos miss the mark, and in many cases are never even viewed.
Our second 2022 Signature Speaker Series event features Tony Gnau, Founder & Chief Storytelling Officer at T60 Productions. Tony is an Emmy-winner and will use customer case studies to provide helpful ideas for your own marketing videos in his session on February 8th, “Video Content Done Right: How To Deliver Videos that Connect with Your Audience.” We sat down with Tony to discuss what we can expect from his session…
Tony Gnau, Founder and Chief Storytelling Officer at T60 Productions
What do you expect the audience to take away from your presentation?
First and foremost, I hope everyone realizes whether you’re hiring a video production company or producing a DIY video, there are all sorts of things marketers can do to improve the effectiveness of their videos.
Also, I hope they take a few things to heart:
- Video content isn’t about facts and figures, it’s about emotion.
- There are all sorts of videos you can produce, but the core videos are the About Us video, product/service videos, and testimonials.
- Develop a plan to layer videos throughout your marketing funnel and website.
What is holding people back from doing what you advocate?
Time and effort. Producing good videos isn’t enough. There are things marketers should be doing before and after the production to ensure success, but it takes time some feel like they don’t have.
What will people gain from what you are advocating?
They’ll walk away with a much better understanding of how to use video effectively, and I’ll walk them through examples for how to do it.
If you were not engaged in your current career, what would you be doing instead?
I started my professional life as a TV news reporter, so the easy answer is I’d probably still be doing that. If you want something more radical, I’d probably be doing play-by-play for Fox Sports. I have a connection. 😉
What is a hobby you enjoy?
I love cooking, although I do that everyday for my family so that might not count as a hobby. I also love hiking.
What is your favorite travel destination?
Hawaii… no doubt. Best place I have ever been. It lives up to the hype.
What is a fun fact about you?
Just one? 🙂 I can pretty much quote Star Wars: A New Hope word-for-word.
Register today to hear Tony’s expert advice in his session “Video Content Done Right: How To Deliver Videos that Connect with Your Audience” on February 8th!
About Tony Gnau
Tony Gnau is the Founder and Chief Storytelling Officer at T60 Productions. He’s a three-time Emmy Award-winning journalist and has led T60 Productions to winning 17 Telly Awards for its corporate videos.
He has created videos for the likes of United Airlines, Walgreen’s, US Bank, Goose Island Beer Company, as well as NBA legend Dwyane Wade.
Tony has written over 700 blog posts on video marketing and also speaks on the subject to communications professionals at conferences such as Content Marketing World.
Finally, Tony is a former USC Trojan football player, Star Wars geek, and a devoted husband and father.