There are a few days left until our 2019 Annual Conference “Elevate with Authenticity” on Thursday, September 26th at the Park Hotel. Have you registered yet? If not here’s a sneak peek into why you should with one of our presenters, Grant Gooding. Grant will lead one of our breakout sessions “Utilizing Emotional Data” at the Conference.
Grant began his professional journey in the mergers and acquisitions world. During this time he naturally gravitated towards the evaluation of marketing and advertising expenses. In 2012 Grant started PROOF Positioning with the notion of creating a way to bring clarity and understanding to marketing and advertising by combining statistics with emotional measurement. Today, PROOF Positioning is emerging as a market leader and has performed more than 200 research projects for organizations, helping them understand the emotions of their customers and identify the most effective messages and mediums to generate more sales.
What do you expect the audience to take away from your presentation, “Utilizing Emotional Data”?
They will receive a new and revolutionary way to look at your customer data, including understanding the differences between big data and emotional data and how to use both. They will also come away understanding that while big data is very useful for operational efficiency, customer behavior tracking inferring WHY someone does something can’t be understood with big data. Emotional data can tell you the emotions, motivations, and preferences of your customers and helps you understand them in a new and predictive way.
Why do companies struggle with using emotional data?
Companies experience three significant struggles: 1) How to gather emotional data; 2) How to organize it, and 3) How to use it. Number three is the hardest and most important.
What is the biggest opportunity companies have to incorporate emotional data in their marketing efforts?
Emotional data can arm an organization with understanding what to say to which customers to get them to buy. It can be game-changing information.
If you were not engaged in your current career, what would you be doing instead?
I prefer nothing more than to do what I am doing now, but if money were no object, I would probably want to be an EDM DJ.
What is your favorite pizza?
Pepperoni. Sometimes the most simple things are the best.
What is your favorite travel destination?
Any place with historical significance, particularly any necropolis. The older, the better.
What is a fun fact about you?
I was a music major and have performed in Carnegie Hall and all over the world, including Westminster Abbey and St. Mark’s Basilica.
Don’t miss Grant and other marketing thought leaders at our 2019 Annual Conference! Register Now!