Our Annual Conference is Going Virtual!

Join us live on September 24

Recent events are forcing marketers to pivot and adapt to a rapidly changing climate—with a sharper and more careful focus on messaging, imagery, tactics, and budgets.

It’s time to RENEW your outlook, plans, and strategies…with INTENTION.

As we continue to grasp the landscape of our “new normal,” we must be more creative, open-minded, and deliberate than ever—while delivering remarkable results and authentic emotional connections.

Join us live on Thursday, September 24 for our day-long virtual conference. Our thoughtfully designed master classes, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities will provide the strategies and inspiration you need to Recharge your Marketing with Purpose.

Featured Talks & Speakers

We’ve got a full agenda of marketing leaders that are guaranteed to leave you motivated with actionable insights that you can take back to your organization. Learn more about who you will see at our conference.

AJ Sue

AJ Sue Consulting

Karen Albritton

Thinc Strategy

Michael Ray

STIR Advertising & Integrated Messaging

Gaurav Issar

Allant Group

Sue Fuller

The Oliver Thomas Company

Rhonda O’Connor

Trility Consulting

Quentin Allums

Urban Misfit Ventures

Tom Farley

The Chris Farley Foundation

Registration Now Open!

Join more than 100 Madison Marketers as we renew our purpose, leadership, skills, and more.



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